Cross-Generational Investigation


When we accompany a person asking him to revert to a past situation and to speak about it in the present tense – as if the person is experiencing that situation right now, we are applying the timeline search of neuro linguistic programing.


“Derivation”: through the speech (superficial structure), we access the inner experience (deep structure). Chomsky transformational grammar or generative semantics shows us the structural diagram, also known as structural tree, which helps us tell the differences between the superficial structure of a phrase and its derivations that supply its hidden meaning: deep structure.

“Trans-derivation”: when we derive an inner experience from a speech, and from there, we derive similar experiences along the timeline, this process is called trans-derivation.

“Trans-derivation is the process completed by a receptor to suggest a meaning.  When a superficial structure is heard (speech) and its related deep structure (neural programs) is captured, even if the link of evident meaning with the receptor’s present experience is poor or inexistent, the receptor activates additional processes that generate meanings accessible to the patient’s unconscious mind, but not his conscious mind. From this set, the patient chooses the meaning that is most relevant for his current experience.”

Purpose of the treatment using the timeline

Its primary purpose is to investigate and identify programs that have been imprinted prior to and after a patient’s birth, by accessing the patient’s cross-generational memories (programing and structuring conflict) and chronological life; in this fashion, self-awareness and resources are contributed to the system. The timeline treatment is based on erickson’s hypnosis. In fact, this treatment is about a hypnotic trance.  In addition to finding an imprint, the trans-derivational search helps identify patterns in the configuration of different experiences that overflow the patient’s threshold of tolerable stress and may lead to illness.

Application to Bioanalysis and Emotional Inversion techniques

When bandler and grinder first started to apply the timeline method, they found that the process sometimes uncovered family secrets his holder was not aware of. As a consequence, they expanded their search to include parents and grandparents.

In a therapeutic process, we often find that our patient cannot understand why they feel the way they feel now. Frequently, the symptom has been there before the patient is born. We know that, at a biological and chromosome level, each person carries with him both paternal and maternal information that is also present at a mental level. In other words, the history of three preceding generations on our mother’s and father’s sides exercise influence on us with their neuro-linguistic programs. Maybe here we can find an element that acts as the cause of an unfolded illness. It is possible that a symptom or disease is the materialization of a cross-generational problem.

Improvements can be realized through the implementation of Bioanalysis and Emotional inversion techniques. However, if the source of the issue is in the patient’s parents, grandparents and/or great-grandparents, and the patient fails to change his perception of and emotions toward this source, then no definitive cure will be accomplished.

More often than not, it is not our patient who is experiencing the conflict. An emotion is incorporated when our patient embraces someone else’s emotion for reasons of family loyalty or our patient’s reparation of an issue that his ancestor was unable to address. Sometimes, the conflict is found within the pregnancy-childbirth period and stays there up three years after birth. This is the project/sense that is most likely associated with the patient’s mother. Sometimes, the conflict stems from the patient’s grandfather or great-grandfather and the patient becomes depository of one or several specific programs that are usually present in serious illnesses. As a general rule, when a serious illness breaks out, a serious conflict was already present in the patient’s family tree; and that is the reason for the search. The more crippling and harsh an illness is, the more severe the existing drama will be.

When a tragedy unfolds in a family, the term “reparation” appears. It is about doing something to make sure that the system works better. The patient repairs his ancestors’ story through illness, profession and/or behavior.

The tragedy imprint is stored, as if a program, in the nerve system of its sufferer, and this program is handed down from generation to generation. The resulting “neuromuscular lock” is relied upon for the timeline investigation. The starting point is always a triggering conflict.  In that experience, our patient’s emotional manifestations are being kept frozen somewhere in his body. That’s what we call symptom. Our ensuing work seeks to investigate the past situations in which our patient has experienced this symptom, all the way to the first time in the current life of our patient or in the lives of his ancestors. When we arrive at that first time, we find the programing conflict, and from there, we can determine the root cause of this program, as well as the pattern that keeps it active over time. In order to address this “frozen” conflict, we conduct a complex exercise of therapeutic craftsmanship called “re-imprint.”

In our therapeutic practice, we say that most of the things that happen to us have their roots in the past, a past that does not belong to us. The present-day conflict is 20% and the past history is 80% of that conflict.

Intervention for program modification

This intervention is based on information; in other words, everything that has ever existed is in the form of information.

In terms of bio-neuro-emotional techniques, when a human is procreated, he consists of information; i.e., he contains the information of his entire cross-generational history. The symptoms developed by a person are pieces of information, and through his unconscious mind, the person seeks that information.

A programing conflict is based on a distorted interpretation of an occurrence that has been experienced with shortage of resources and information. Here, NLP can answer a question that is frequently asked by our patients: How can I do it? There is always a way to change a patient’s reading and perception of the world.

We know that once a person becomes aware of the why or for what an illness is there, that is enough to make a change. Sometimes, however, a more complex intervention is required, and the assimilation time varies from person to person.

It is critical that each session helps shape a future by projecting a desired state, always after a therapeutic intervention, with changes of perception about the conflict or its imprint.

Influence exercised by the companion in the process

According to physicist werner heisenberg, nothing is objective. That something can be observed allows for its modification. When we observe other persons or our own selves, we arrive at a space where everything is possible, where everything can be changed: we are in the present experiencing history in a different fashion.

The companion and his own beliefs will chart the course for the outcome of this process. It is critical that the specialist has successfully instilled the belief that we potentially have all the resources. His eyes can help those resources held by the other person flourish.