Bridge to the Future



“A bridge to the future” is about embarking on an imaginary journey into the future, where the traveler can build his desired personal state. If we can keep our client associated with this imaginary future, as if that future was happening now, then he can experience emotions that will act as catalysts for the realization of his dream.

“Time is not what it seems, it does not flow one-way, and the future coexists simultaneously with the past.” (Albert Einstein)

It is critical that our client is invited to dream, and if possible, dream of something different from his currently known realities, because his past life has led him to develop an illness.

Neural Linguistic Programming has an extraordinary model for organizing and identifying specific targets for desired states that can be realized.


“The purpose of a bridge to the future is to have our client focus on the course he wishes to chart for his life and the health he wishes to attain.  Basically, the desired state or result must be the target pursued by an individual or group. It is about answering the question, ‘what is it you want?’ Our targets lead us to the source of motivation, and these targets can encourage powerful processes of self-organization, which can mobilize conscious and unconscious resources.

These targets are usually set in relation to a state that may be problematic or otherwise, in the current life of our subject.

A good formulation requires that the proposed targets meet effective and environmentally-friendly results. In NLP, a target has been properly formulated if:

  1. Stated in positive terms: what is it you want?
  2. Defined and assessed on sense-based evidence; i.e., observable behavior as evidence of results, ‘how will you specifically know that you have met your target? What will your performance indicators be? How will these indicators be measured?
  3. Initiated and maintained by its pursuing individual or group; ‘what will you do to meet this target?’
  4. Respectful of the positive byproducts from our client’s present state; ‘What positive outcomes, if any, are you getting from your current behavior? How are you planning to preserve these outcomes in your new target?’
  5. Properly contextualized in order to fit in its surrounding environment; ‘who or what else can be impacted by your pursuit of this target? Under what circumstances would you say you don’t want this target?»

Source: Robert Dilts – Coaching / Urano / Págs. 63-64-68-72

Application to Bioanalysis and Emotional Inversion (BEI)

The timeline method deals with not only the past, but also the future. It is important that each session ends with a vision of the future; in other words, what we call “creating memories from the future”. By establishing an association with a desired future, our client gradually creates a neural network that will eventually operate at an unconscious level and lead him to the place where he wants to be. It is also important that our client imagines the steps he will be ready to take in order to make a change in his life.

This process can be completed by applying the Neural Level model; i.e., another very important area of research within NLP.